Our Future BFF with Super Powers, Powered by AI?

Thongchan Thananate
9 min readJan 6, 2024

I’m telling you about my expectation for Samsung Galaxy S24.

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We do not need to sneak peak for the specification. It leaks all over the internet and GSMArena confirmed that for us here.

OK, Listen up, ’cause Samsung just dropped some next-level news about their upcoming Galaxy S24. This ain’t your average phone, no sir. This bad boy comes packed with AI smarts that’ll blow your mind and lead the way in phone accessibility for years to come. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Imagine this:

your phone not just reading texts, but understanding them. Like, truly getting what you’re saying, even if you mumble or whisper. And forget messy menus and confusing settings. Your S24 AI assistant, let’s call her “Gauss,” knows what you need before you do. Need a caffeine boost? She’ll preheat your coffee maker. Eyes tired from late-night scrolling? She’ll dim the lights and suggest bedtime stories. Gauss ain’t just a robot, she’s your ultimate life partner, powered by Samsung’s brainy AI tech.

So, what exactly is Gauss? Imagine a little AI brain living inside your phone, a genius helper that can think, create, and even predict your needs. Think of it as your own personal Tony Stark, minus the billionaire playboy attitude.

Here’s a taste of what Gauss can do:

  • Supercharged Photography: Gauss will enhance your photos like a pro, adding artistic flair, fixing lighting issues, or even turning them into stunning works of art. Say goodbye to boring snaps, hello masterpiece moments!
  • Content Creation on Steroids: Stuck in a creative rut? Gauss can help! Write poems, generate catchy music, or even design custom artwork. Unleash your inner Picasso with just a few taps.
  • Smarter than Your Smart Home: Forget fiddling with buttons and apps. Gauss will automate your home, adjusting lights, temperature, and even suggesting recipes based on your schedule and food preferences. Your house will practically run itself!
  • Productivity Powerhouse: Need to conquer your to-do list? Gauss will personalize your calendar, prioritize tasks, and even offer reminders that actually stick. Say goodbye to procrastination, hello laser focus!
  • And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! Gauss is constantly learning and evolving, with new features and possibilities emerging all the time. Who knows? Maybe it’ll write your next blog post (wink wink).

The Galaxy S24, powered by Gauss, isn’t just a phone, it’s a glimpse into the future of technology. It’s a personal assistant, a creative partner, and a productivity powerhouse, all rolled into one sleek device. This is more than just an upgrade, it’s a whole new way of interacting with the world around you.

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Worried about accessibility? Think again! The S24’s got your back, no matter what. Blind or low-vision? Gauss will describe everything on your screen, from photos to news articles. Struggling with motor skills? Voice commands and gestures are all you need to control your phone. Even folks with hearing impairments can use AI-powered sign language recognition to chat with anyone, anywhere. Samsung’s making sure everyone gets to join the tech party, and that’s pretty awesome.

So, what’s the point of all this AI buzz anyway?

AI can seem like a futuristic mystery, but the truth is, it’s already woven into the fabric of our daily lives. Let’s untangle some of the hype and see what AI is actually doing for us right now:

Making life easier:

  • Smarter homes: Imagine lights adjusting to your mood, thermostats anticipating your comfort, and fridges that order groceries before you run out. AI is making our homes more responsive and efficient, saving us time and energy.
  • Personal assistants: Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant… these friendly voices powered by AI are learning our habits and preferences, offering reminders, setting alarms, and even controlling our smart devices. They’re like having a helpful sidekick constantly at our side.
  • Enhanced accessibility: AI is becoming a powerful tool for people with disabilities. Voice commands allow control without physical interaction, image recognition helps navigate the world, and AI-powered prosthetics offer new levels of mobility. It’s about breaking down barriers and empowering everyone.

Boosting productivity and creativity:

  • Work smarter, not harder: AI algorithms are analyzing data, automating tasks, and generating reports, freeing up our time for more strategic thinking and creative work. Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and hello to a streamlined workflow.
  • Unleashing creativity: AI can write music, generate visuals, and even edit videos, pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. Imagine collaborating with an AI to design your dream home, compose a personalized song, or even write a novel.
  • Personalized experiences: From news feeds curated to your interests to shopping recommendations based on your past purchases, AI is learning our preferences and tailoring experiences to each individual. It’s like having a personal shopper for the digital world.

Solving real-world problems:

  • Healthcare revolution: AI is analyzing medical data, identifying diseases earlier, and even assisting with surgery. It’s leading to earlier diagnoses, more effective treatments, and ultimately, better health outcomes.
  • Combating climate change: AI is analyzing weather patterns, optimizing energy grids, and developing sustainable technologies. It’s helping us understand and address the complex challenges of climate change.
  • Building safer cities: AI-powered cameras and systems are analyzing traffic patterns, predicting crime, and improving emergency response times. It’s making our cities safer and more efficient for everyone.

These are just a few examples of what AI is doing today. It’s not about replacing humans, but rather augmenting our capabilities and opening up new possibilities. As AI continues to evolve, it’s important to remember that we hold the reins, shaping its development and ensuring it benefits all of humanity.

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Let’s simplify our AI assistant these days!

remember those cool virtual pets? Tamagotchis? Yeah, AI assistants are kind of like that, but way smarter and helpful! You see, there are these brainy friends living inside our phones and computers, ready to play, create, and even help us with homework (don’t tell your teachers!). But with so many choices, who’s the best for you? Let’s meet the gang!

First up, Samsung Gauss: Think of Gauss as your personal Picasso! It can take your boring photos and turn them into masterpieces, write poems about your dog, or even design a superhero costume you can wear for Halloween. It’s all about unleashing your inner artist!

Next, Google Bard: Bard’s kind of like the ultimate know-it-all. Got a question about dinosaurs? Need help understanding that math problem? Bard’s got your back! It can even write stories and jokes that’ll make you laugh your socks off. Just think of it as a super-smart friend who loves learning cool stuff.

Then there’s ChatGPT: This one’s all about talking! Need help writing a letter to your grandma? Stuck on a conversation starter? ChatGPT is your chatty buddy. It can even help you learn new languages and create funny dialogues like you’re in a movie. Just be careful not to get too chatty in class!

Finally, Microsoft Co-pilot: Imagine a super-fast helper for all your school projects and homework. Co-pilot can translate languages, summarize articles, and even suggest ideas for presentations. It’s like having a mini-teacher in your pocket, ready to answer all your questions and keep you on track.

So, who’s the best? Well, it’s like choosing your favorite flavor of ice cream! Some like Gauss’s creative spark, others love Bard’s brainy answers, and some kids might really click with ChatGPT’s chatty personality. Co-pilot’s helpfulness could be a lifesaver for schoolwork, too.

Of course, the S24 isn’t all about AI smarts. It’s also a stunner with a killer camera that takes pics so good, even your grandma will be Insta-famous. Super-fast processor? Check. Sleek design? Check. Battery that lasts all day? Double check. Samsung didn’t skimp on any of the good stuff, making the S24 the ultimate package for tech lovers and future-thinkers alike.

While everyone’s buzzing about the flashy AI and super camera on the new Samsung Galaxy S24, let’s peek behind the curtain and unveil some under-the-radar features that’ll make you the real tech insider. These aren’t your typical bells and whistles — these are the silent game-changers that’ll turn heads without making a sound.

1. Battery Beast Within: Forget those daily charge anxieties. The S24 packs a hidden battery boost, thanks to a sneaky optimization tweak in the processor and a low-power display mode that activates when you’re not scrolling like a maniac. Binging Netflix all day? No problem. Your phone will still have juice for that late-night study session.

2. Whisper Mode Activated: Tired of blasting everyone with your ringtone in meetings? The S24’s got your back (literally). A hidden AI feature analyzes ambient noise and automatically adjusts the call volume so you can whisper like a secret agent and still be heard loud and clear. No more awkward “oops, sorry!” moments.

3. Pocket-Sized Security Ninja: Worried about prying eyes on your notifications? The S24’s got a hidden trick up its sleeve. An improved face unlock system works even in low light, and a sneaky “tap-to-lock” feature discreetly activates when you put the phone down, keeping your info safe without you breaking a sweat.

4. Game On, Level Up: Gamers, rejoice! The S24 isn’t just about flashy graphics (though those are amazing too). Hidden under the hood is a sophisticated cooling system that keeps your phone running smooth even during epic gaming sessions. Say goodbye to lag and hello to dominating the leaderboard without melting your phone in your hands.

5. Eco-Warrior in Disguise: Sustainability ain’t just a buzzword for the S24. It’s got hidden eco-friendly features, like a recycled glass back and energy-efficient software tweaks. You can brag about your awesome phone and your green cred at the same time. Talk about a double win!

So, there you have it, folks. The Samsung Galaxy S24: your gateway to a future where tech makes your life easier, more awesome, and way more accessible. Mark your calendars, ’cause this phone is gonna be game-changer. Now go forth and spread the word!

The Bonus — Apple iPhone 16: Crystal Ball Gazing with the Galaxy S24 in Hand

While the iPhone 16 remains shrouded in secrecy, the S24’s unveiling can offer some juicy clues about what Apple might have in store. So, grab your magnifying glass and join me as we peek into the crystal ball of iPhone 16 predictions:

1. AI Showdown: Can Apple Take on Gauss?

Samsung’s Gauss stole the show with its creative prowess. Expect Apple to counter with its own AI advancements, potentially focusing on enhanced Siri capabilities, deeper integration with the Health app, and personalized user experiences powered by its A18 Bionic chip. Imagine Siri suggesting workouts based on your mood or composing custom music for your running playlist. Apple won’t be letting Samsung hog the AI spotlight.

2. Camera Wars: Bigger Megapixels, Bigger Battles?

The S24 boasts a powerful camera system, but Apple won’t back down. We might see an iPhone 16 Pro with a 120MP or even 150MP main sensor, pushing the boundaries of smartphone photography. But megapixels don’t tell the whole story. Expect Apple to focus on improved low-light performance, faster autofocus, and AI-powered scene optimization to deliver stunning shots in any lighting condition.

3. Foldable Feud: Will Apple Dip Its Toe?

Samsung’s foldable prowess is undeniable, but will Apple join the party? It’s a gamble. We might see a limited edition foldable iPhone 16 Pro Max to test the waters, featuring Apple’s signature sleek design and seamless software integration. However, don’t hold your breath for a mass-market foldable iPhone just yet. Apple tends to take its time perfecting new technologies before widespread adoption.

4. Under-Display Secrets: Touch ID Makes a Comeback?

The S24 stuck with a traditional fingerprint sensor. Could Apple be planning a surprise attack with an under-display Touch ID sensor in the iPhone 16? It would offer enhanced security and convenience, eliminating the need for Face ID in certain situations. This would be a major shift for Apple, but one that could appeal to users who miss the familiar click of the home button.

5. Battery Breakthrough: Can Apple Break Free from the Charger?

Battery life remains a pain point for many smartphone users. While the S24 offers some improvements, the iPhone 16 might hold the key to true charging freedom. Rumors suggest Apple is testing advanced wireless charging technologies that could eliminate the need for cables altogether. Imagine simply placing your phone on a charging pad and letting the magic happen.

Remember, these are just predictions based on current trends and the Galaxy S24 launch. The true iPhone 16 remains a mystery until its official unveiling. But one thing’s for sure: the battle between these tech giants is heating up, and we, the tech enthusiasts, are the biggest winners. So, grab your popcorn and your skepticism, because the next chapter in the Apple vs. Samsung saga is about to unfold.



Thongchan Thananate

People might laugh at it or call it foolish logic, but that’s enough for me. That’s what romanticism is about!